NO: 哈佛

    哈佛大学位于美国波士顿附近的剑桥城,Built in 1636,是美国最古老的大学。美国是于1776年建国,比哈佛建校要晚140年。哈佛大学的建立是由于当时的英国殖民者想在美国的土地上建一座大学,正因为哈佛大学的建立者当中有很多人都是剑桥大学的毕业生,哈佛大学所在的城市也就被命名为剑桥城。其实原来这所大学的名字叫做“剑桥学院”,哈佛大学现在的名字来源于1638年一位名叫哈佛的学院院长,这个院长去世时,将自己积蓄的一半和400本图书捐赠给这所大学,后来经过议院的投票,决定将这所大学命名为哈佛大学。

Harvard University in  Boston and  near Cambridge city,Is America's oldest university.The United States is in 1776, the founding than harvard school to late 140 years.Harvard University was established as the British colonists in the American land to build a university, because a builder of Harvard University many of graduate of the university of Cambridge, Harvard University city will be named Cambridge city.In fact the original name of this university, called "Cambridge institute"The name comes from Harvard University now named 1638 dean of harvard,The President dies,Half of their savings and 400 books donated to the university,Later, after the house vote, decided to turn the university named Harvard University.


Historically,A graduate of Harvard University students have a total of eight was elected President of the United States.They are John Adams (the second President of the United States), John quincy Adams, rutherford hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, franklin Roosevelt (re-elected four sessions), John Kennedy, George Bush and barack hussein barack Obama. Harvard University professor group produced a total of 34 Nobel Prize winner.




普林斯顿大学(又译普林斯敦大学;英语:Princeton University)位于美国新泽西州的普林斯顿,是美国殖民时期第四所成立的高等教育学院。1746年在新泽西州伊丽莎白镇创立,当时名为“新泽西学院”。学校1756年搬迁到普林斯顿时名称仍未改动,直至1896年正式改为现名。

Princeton university, Princeton, New Jersey, is located in the United States,Is the American colonial period of higher education fourth founded by college.In New Jersey, Elizabeth in 1746, when the called "founded New Jersey institute".School 1756 moved to prince immediately name is still not alter,Until 1896 officially renamed.

 普林斯顿大学在由《美国新闻与世界报道》周刊评选的2007年全美大学本科排名排第一。普林斯顿的录取过程极其严格。根据《大西洋月刊》(Atlantic Monthly),普林斯顿是全美在录取上第二严格的大学,仅次于麻省理工学院。它是英属北美洲部分成立的第四所大学。虽然它最初是长老制的教育机构,但是现在已经成为非宗教大学,对学生亦无任何宗教上的要求。这所大学提供两种主流的本科学位:文学学士学位和工学学士学位。普林斯顿保有浓厚的欧式教育学风。创立宗旨上强调训练学生具有人文及科学的综合素养。 

Princeton university in by the U.S. news and world report weekly across the selection of the 2007 undergraduate ranking first in line.Princeton's admissions process extremely strict.According to the《 Atlantic Monthly 》,Princeton is across the United States in the second strict university admission,after MIT.It is the British North America part made up of the fourth university.Although it started the education institutions is Presbyterian,But now it has become a non-religious university,Nor any of the students on religious requirements.The university provides two kind of mainstream bachelor's degree:Bachelor degree and bachelor's degree.Princeton retain strong European education style.Emphasis on training students founded tenet of humanities and science with the comprehensive quality.



耶鲁大学(Yale University)是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学,始创于1701年,初名“大学学院”(Collegiate School)。耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,今为常青藤联盟的成员之一。

Yale University  is a leads located in Connecticut, new private University,Founded in 1701 years,Beginning name is" Collegiate School".Yale university is established in American history, the third university, today for a member of the ivy league.


 In the history of the United States, there are five the President graduated from Yale: William Howard tower husband off and Gerald rudolph ford, George Bush and Bill Clinton, George w. bush. Yale with its excellent students created a political miracle. So, Yale, known as the "President" -- the cradle. Teachers often joke between is: "if you are not careful, you'll teach a President."



麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,缩写:MIT)是美国一所综合性私立大学,有“世界理工大学之最”的美名。位于麻萨诸塞州的波士顿,查尔斯河(Charles River)将其与波士顿的后湾区(Back Bay)隔开。麻省理工学院于1861年由一位毕业于威廉玛丽学院的著名自然科学家威廉·巴顿·罗杰斯创立。今天MIT无论是在美国还是全世界都有非常重要的影响力,培养了众多对世界产生重大影响的人士,是全球高科技和高等研究的先驱领导大学,也是世界理工科菁英的所在地。麻省理工是当今世界上最富盛名的理工科大学,《纽约时报》笔下“全美最有声望的学校”。入选中国世界纪录协会世界综合实力最强的大学候选世界纪录。

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the abbreviation: MIT is the U.S. a comprehensive private universities, has "the world polytechnic university's reputation. Located in Massachusetts Boston, Charles Riverwill it with Boston's Back Bay  MIT by a in 1861, graduated from the famous William and Mary college natural scientists William barton Rogers was established. Both in the United States today MIT or around the world have very important influence, formed numerous significant impact on the people of the world, is the global high-tech and advanced research pioneer leading university, also be the seat of the world elite in science and engineering. MIT is the world's most prestigious university in science and engineering, the New York times's "the most prestigious school". China's world record was strong comprehensive strength of the association of university of the candidate world record.



加州理工学院[1](California Institute of Technology 简称 Caltech)创建于1891年,被誉为美国乃至世界顶尖的科技理工类学院。虽然只有50.18公顷土地面积且专业课程有限的加州理工学院,在1999年《美国新闻与世界报道》年度大学排行中名列全美专业性大学第一位。加州理工学院在2010年上海交大世界大学学术排名中名列第6,在2010年《美国新闻与世界报道》世界大学排名上名列第10,在《泰晤士报高等教育》2010年世界大学排名第2位。

  California Institute of Technology Founded in 1891, known as the United States and even the world's top technology institute of science &engineering. Although only 50.18 hectares of land area and professional course limited at the California institute of technology, in 1999, the us news and world report "annual college rankings across the top professional university. California institute of technology in the 2010 Shanghai jiaotong university world university academic rankings, ranked sixth in 2010 "U.S. news and world report" world university rankings, ranked the 10 in The Times higher education "the 2010 world college ranking second place.



The private university education aim is "for business, government and industry development need to cultivate creative scientists and engineers". So far the only school so far more than 20,000 students training, some 27 name won a Nobel Prize, average every 1,000 graduate students in a Nobel Prize winner, scale is a crown of universities in the world.



【杜克大学地处北卡州杜兰市(Durham, North Carolina),与教堂山 (Chapel Hill)及北卡州首府洛丽市(Raleigh),构成人文与地理上著名的"北卡三角区"(North Carolina Triangle)高科技、尖端医学研究、与文教地带。良好的教育可以改变人的心灵与气质,兼又带动社会进步的脉络。】             

duke university is located in North Carolina duran city, and chapel hill and North Carolina's capital city (loli Raleigh), constitute the humanities and geographically the famous "(North Carolina Triangle)" high-tech,  advanced medicine research, and cultural and educational zone. Good education can change people's spirit and temperament, and driving social progress again.


更重要的是大学的基本传统精神带动了全校师生的旺盛心:教授除了学术研究外,就是认真地传道、授业、解惑;学生则因大学地处北卡幽静山林,远离尘嚣,没有大城市浮华虚幻的诱惑,所以能专心一意地皓首穷经、钻研本业。 】

Although tuition is expensive, but the perfect equipment at duke university, small class system, individual attention , urban and rural pay equal attention to, and the unity of civil idea, is extremely proud of other university. The incomparable hills campus, a total of arts, engineering, law, business administration, medicine, nursing, theology, rings and other famous college work. 170 classical architecture, is very beautiful  Duke university is not only  afirst-rate academic university , but also a good place to cultivate one's morality  ,this is an important reason why more and more students choose duck university

    in duck university  more important is the basic spirit of university of traditional drived the students and teachers heart: professor in addition to vigorous academic research , and that is seriously preach, impart knowledge and to reassure; The student is for university located in north Carolina , remote mountain hideaway, no big cities temptation of buckish, so students .are absorbed in their studies


NO:7 斯坦福大学

【西岸最好的私立大学,美国硅谷的心脏! 】Stanford University is best private university in West bank ,American silicon valley heart!  斯坦福大学的创办人是美国实业家利兰·斯坦福 Stanford University 's builder is  Leland Stanford.

  【第一届男女学生为559 人,分17个系,第二年,就扩展为29个系。从开办之日起,斯坦福大学就像Johns Hopkins和Cornel大学一样,采用德国的模式,在教学的同时突出研究,在办本科的同时强调研究生培养。首届学生中就出了一位总统(胡佛,Herbert Hoover,采矿专业毕业,美国第31届总统)。】

At  first ,there are 559 male and female students and 17 department, second  years, they expanded to 29 department. From start-up date,   Stanford university like Johns Hopkins  and  Cornel university with the Germany mode,The study also highlights in teaching, working on undergraduate course also stressed graduate education  The first students went out a President Herbert Hoover, (Hoover, mining specialized graduation, the 31st



【宾夕法尼亚大学于1740年由美国著名科学家和政治家、独立宣言起草人之一本杰明·富兰克林创办,当时为一所慈善学校。 】

The university of Pennsylvania built in 1740 years by the famous American scientists and statesman, one of the drafters of the declaration of independence, Benjamin Franklin, was established for a charity school

    【宾夕法尼亚大学深受当时苏格兰教育改革的影响,这在当时的北美洲是绝无仅有的。可以说宾大开创了现代美国教育制度的先河。她不仅首先设立了科学课程,同时还是第一个开设历史、数学、农学、英语和现代语言等课程的美国大学。 】

The university of Pennsylvania   influence by the education reform of Scotland at that time, he created the modern American education system in . he is not only first set up science courses, but also the first open history, mathematics, agriculture, English and modern language course of American university.



【坐落在美国东北部新罕布夏州汉诺佛镇的达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College),偏僻却景色秀丽。地域决定了学校所吸引的学生性格上的不同,在达特茅斯学院学生中间,向来存在一股“反智力”(anti-intellectual)的趋势。达特茅斯典型的学生是些虽然聪明但不热衷思考,不十分关心抽象概念和“主义”,容易融入主流的体育健将们。

Dartmouth College is Located in the northeast of New Hampshire ,remote but beautiful . Regional decided the school's  students character's different, in Dartmouth college students,  always exist anti- intellectual  among the students  although most Dartmouth  students are clever ,they don't like thinking, not  concerned about abstract concepts and "doctrine", easily into the mainstream of sports athletes.

 【达特茅斯学院与其它所有学校大异其趣的又一个别出心裁之处,是它的特殊校历,俗称“达特茅斯计划”。这个计划把全年分成四个学期,每学期十个星期。学生们每年只要上三个学期的课就可以,具体在哪三个学期上可以自己选择,校方惟一的规定是学生们到了三年级时,必须在夏天学期上课。 】

  Dartmouth college has a  big different  with all other schools  is its special schools calendars, commonly known as the "Dartmouth plan". This plan are divided into  four semesters, the annual per semester has  ten weeks. The students have to study three semesters class , exactly which it can choose three semesters, the university’s only regulation is the students to the third grades, must  have the summer.



【对哥大的许多学生们来说,坐落在纽约纽约,是他们在众多名校中选哥伦比亚大学的最重要因素。 Tomany Columbia's  students,   Columbia University is located in New York is  the main factors why most students choose there.哥伦比亚学生的活动能力之强和对信念的执著是遐迩闻名的。每年的毕业班里百分之六十学生都进研究生院深造,他们在医学院、法学院和商学院的录取率一直在百分之九十到百分之百之间。 Columbia students' is well-known for their strong ability  and  the belief of insistence  Annual  60 percent of  students can into graduate study . the Acceptance rates is between 90 percent to 100 percent in medical school, law school ,business 哥大几乎所有的本科系都实力雄厚,尤其是英语、历史、政治、社会学和心理学。正如大家所料,它的政治生活费是最受学生欢迎的Colombia almost all of the undergraduate of strong strength, especially English, history, politics, sociology and psychology. As everyone had expected, it's political living expenses are the most popular with the students.

2012-3-09 16:21