校训: Ingeniis Patuit Campus ("The Field is Open to Talent")

建校时间: 1890

类别: Public

校长: Damian Bugg

副校长: Prof Daryl Le Grew

所在地: Hobart, Launceston, Burnie, Tas, Australia

校园: Urban

网址: http://www.utas.edu.au


塔斯马尼亚大学(英语:University of Tasmania,简称UTAS,UTas或Tas Uni)是一所澳大利亚享负盛名的大学,在塔斯马尼亚州有三个校园。大学创立于1890年1月1日,是澳大利亚成立的第四所大学。大学亦是英联邦大学协会之一员。她的影响力由澳大利亚延伸至全世界,与欧洲、亚洲、北美洲四十多所学院合作。

塔斯马尼亚大学的两个主要校区,其一是沙地湾(Sandy Bay)校区,距离塔州如风景画又深具历史的首府霍巴特仅五分钟车程。另一主要校区处于纽汉姆(en:Newnham),距离小城朗塞斯顿(en:Launceston)十分钟车程。除此二校区之外,尚有伯尔尼(Burnie)的摇篮海岸(Cradle Coast)小校区。此校舍使在校生不必搬迁便能完成某些第一学年课程。

塔斯马尼亚大学是一所公立大学,目前,有15,900名学生就读,1,800名职员,属于澳大利亚小至中型大学。塔斯马尼亚大学与当地的澳大利亚海洋学院、塔州TAFE学院(Technical and Further Education即技术及进阶教育学院),都是塔斯马尼亚的主要学院。









The University of Tasmania was officially opened on 1 January 1890. Richard Deodatus Poulett Harris had long advocated the establishment of the University and became its first warden of the senate. The first degrees to graduates admitted ad eundem gradum and diplomas were awarded in June 1890. Referred to as one of the original sandstone universities, it was the fourth university to be established in Australia, and today maintains a strong reputation as a small to medium-sized university. The first campus location was in the Queen's Domain near Hobart, but as enrollment numbers grew and study interests expanded, the new campus at Sandy Bay was developed in the early 1940s.

In the 1950's, the Orr case involving his alleged sexual relations with a student made headlines around Australia. Prof Orr denied these claims until his death.

The university was reorganised in 1991 when it merged with the Tasmanian State Institute of Technology, which became the Newnham Campus. The centre at Burnie was opened in 1995.

There is a sizeable international student population, and Professor Daryl Le Grew, the current vice-chancellor announced in 2004 that the university would not increase HECS (Higher Education Contribution Scheme) fees for the 2005 and subsequent academic years.However, the university has recently announced HECS fees will rise by as much as 25% for the 2009 Academic year for most subjects excluding education, nursing and mathematics.

University Library

The University Librarysupports the teaching and research of the University of Tasmania. It provides access to and assistance with information resources, and leadership in information literacy. The Library operates across campuses through seven libraries and an Information Resources Area at the Cradle Coast Campus, and delivers a wide range of online resources and services both on-campus and off-campus.






Student life

Main article: Tasmania University Union

Until 2008, there were two separate student unions the Tasmania University Union (TUU) in Hobart and the Student Association (SA) in Launceston. Due to the abolition of compulsory student unionism in 2007, the SA and the TUU amalgamated into one Statewide Organisation representing all UTAS students.

The President of the TUU is elected to represent all UTAS students on all campuses, and both Hobart and Launceston have their own Vice-President and Student Representative Councils. Both the TUU State President and TUU State Postgraduate sit on University Council, which is the governing body of the University of Tasmania. In 2008, a Students Complaints website (www.utas.ws) was created and received support from the TUU.

The TUU is responsible for the overseeing of all the university’s many sports clubs and socieites. Some of these include faculty-based societies, such as the Law Students, Medical Students, Engineering students societies; societies related to various interests, such as TUMS (Tasmanian University Musical Society), PLoT (Produces Lots of Theatre), The Anime Society; and various sporting clubs, including white water rafting, soccer, hockey, Touch Football , Australian Rules football, Rugby Union.

Student residences

Sandy Bay Campus

Christ College, Tasmania

St John Fisher College

University Apartments

Jane Franklin Hall

Mt Nelson Villas

Newnham Campus

Kerslake Hall


Clarence House

Investigator Hall





2011-12-08 10:39