校训: Bringing Ambition to Life

建立时间: 1987

类别: Private

校长: Mr Trevor C. Rowe AM

副校长: Professor Robert Stable

所在地: Robina, Gold Coast, Qld, Australia

校园: Suburban

网址: http://www.bond.edu.au


邦德大学(Bond University)是由澳大利亚昆士兰州政府创办、由私人财团投资并由澳大利亚教育部统一管理的一所非盈利私立大学,是澳大利亚名誉校长委员会和共和国大学联合会的忠实成员。学校坐落在澳大利亚最着名的旅游城市黄金海岸市,距昆士兰州首府布里斯班只有70公里,车程40分钟,交通便利。

邦德大学是一所充满生气和创新精神的学府,以其优质的教学质量被誉为“南半球的哈佛”。它的各种科目都获得了不凡的国际声誉,包括在国际上成功的工商管理课程(MBA),极具实用性的商科课程(会计、市场营销等),创新的信息技术课程(IT),开创澳洲培养学生实战技能和理论结合的法律课程以及就业率高的实用教育学课程(Educational Practice)等等。









邦德大学商学院在着名的MOOT Corp全球商学院竞赛三次冠军、三次亚军、四次特别奖,并且也是全球唯一一所超过两次获得冠军的大学(此项赛事参赛的其他世界顶级的商学院包括哈佛、加州大学、牛津大学、伦敦商学院、沃顿商学院等)。

邦德大学商学院的会计、市场学、MBA课程被澳大利亚毕业生指导委员会评为教学质量第一名 邦德大学商学院MBA课程被澳大利亚毕业生管理协会评为“五星级”。






2006年再获国际着名的法学院学生大赛Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition 澳洲区的冠军。

Notable programmes


In May 2006, Prime Minister John Howard opened the million Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine (though the first intake of students started in May 2005), housing a complete set of lecture theatres, tutorial rooms, specialised clinical rooms and laboratories. As one of the few undergraduate Bachelor of Medicine degrees offered in Australia, Bond's three-trimesters-per-year schedule means a medical student studying at the University can graduate in four years and eight months (as opposed to six or seven years at most other universities). At 4,912 for the full degree, the course is the most expensive undergraduate program offered by an Australian university.

Legal Skills

The Faculty of Law includes a Legal Skills Centre with moot courts and technology such as video conferencing rooms.The Centre was opened in 2007 by Australian Attorney General Phillip Ruddock,and was constructed at a cost of over AU million dollars.The Centre is primarily used when students participate in practical legal exercises like mooting and mediation as part of the Legal Skills subject, which is completed incrementely throughout the study of a law degree.

Sustainable development

The School of Sustainable Development is located in a green building that became the first Australian university facility to receive a six-star energy rating.The building was opened on August 11, 2008 by Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Hotel, resort and tourism management

The School of Hotel, Resort and Tourism Management will open in 2009, and offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees. The school will operate with Marriott International as its industry partner, establishing the first such partnership for an Australian university and a hotel company.

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